Hello, my name is Paulette Harp-Nicholson.
My philosophy of Art is simple. A work of art should ask the observer an open-ended question, but give the observer a foot-hold from which to create his/her own answer. The question and the answer should remain malleable, in synchrony with the light of the moment.
I am a born and bred Kansas woman, at home in big sky and stark horizons, where beauty resides in small details easily overlooked. Without any formal art training, I have, by my own definition, developed more a "folk-art" body of work than a technically polished or thematically focused concentration of "fine art". This is not to diminish the value of a certain skill and intelligence which I believe resides in my work. The thought and feeling guiding the composition of each piece is meant to provoke thought and feeling in viewers, perhaps similar to my own or perhaps different, but no less valid. My creative interests include oil painting, symmetrical paper cuttings, and natural-form wood sculptures (oh, and writing a little poem now and again), all on a modest scale which suits itself more to smaller interiors than, shall we say, museums, and yet is, to my way of thinking, something more than "decor".